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Icon Geschichte in Karten
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2017
Kapitel 1 - 2:30 Min. Multi-ethnic States and the Right to Self-Determination
Kapitel 2 - 6:46 Min. Austria-Hungary
Kapitel 3 - 6:21 Min. The Ottoman Empire
Kapitel 4 - 6:18 Min. The Tsarist Empire

20. Jahrhundert: 1914-1945 | Versailler Vertrag

Collapse of the Empires after 1918

With the revolution of 1917, the Russian Tsar’s empire falls. Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire fall apart after the defeat in the First World War in 1918. Many new states emerge on the territory of the multi-ethnic empires in Eastern Europe. They all invoke the right of self-determination, mostly wanting to be a nation states of one people only. However, there are often other ethnic groups living on their territory. This leads to fierce conflicts over the correct demarcation of borders and minority rights. In the Middle East, the colonial powers Britain and France divide up Ottoman territories among themselves, thereby ignoring the interests of the peoples concerned. mehr weniger
Europe, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Russia, Tsardom, monarchy, monarchies, multi-ethnic empires, ethnic groups, World Ware One, right to self-determination, Woodrow Wilson, national statehood, borders, Habsburg Monarchy, multi-ethnic state, ethnicity, peoples, Emperor Franz Joseph, national autonomy, empire, Czechoslovakia, republic, Austrians, Germany, allied, allies, Paris Peace Accord, jews, Poland, national states, nations, citizenship, Eastern Europe, Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Armenians, Greece, Greco-Turkish War, Muslims, Greek Orthodox, resettlement, trauma, Treaty of Lausanne, Great Britain, Britons, France, French, Sykes-Picot Agreement, zones of influence, Middle East, Arabs, independence, ethnic affinity, colonial powers, Soviet Union, Tsar Nicholas ll, revolution, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Bolsheviks, Bolshevism, republics, ethnic policy, minorities, central power, Moscow, minority protection, labour camps, concentration camps, Gulags, terror, deportation, nationality and cultural policy
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