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Icon Geschichte in Standpunkten
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2017
Kapitel 1 - 5:07 Min. Was there a real chance of peace after 1918?
Kapitel 2 - 6:32 Min. The League of Nations: Pro and Cons
Kapitel 3 - 5:19 Min. The New World post-1918
Kapitel 4 - 4:28 Min. The Collapse of the Empires and the Consequences to date

20. Jahrhundert: 1914-1945 | Versailler Vertrag

Experts Evaluate the Treaty of Versailles

In retrospect, the course of history often seems inevitable. For the contemporaries at the time, however, there were usually different paths open and some decisions could have turned out quite differently and steered history in a different direction. Our experts comment on four questions: Were people at all ready for a real peace in 1918? What chance did the League of Nations have to bring about more mutual understanding? How did people’s attitude towards life change after 1918? What consequences did the collapse of the empires have – then and still today? mehr weniger
Germany, peace treaties, defeated nations, all-out war, revision, peace through victory, nationalism, multinational empires, borders, Europe, propaganda, enemy stereotypes, ethnic conflicts, minority rights, war crimes, reparations, Weimar Republic, allied, allies, National Socialism, Guarantor, United States, USA, United Nations, Soviet Union, great powers, guarantees, military power, financial power, vanquished, conflicts, sovereign rights, compromises, great power pretensions, retaining power, principle of keeping peace, social standards, UNO, world peace, Stefan Zweig, World War One, agricultural country, agricultural state, industrial state, industrialisation, Paris Peace Conference, mass parties, hierarchy, authorities, social security insurance systems, welfare state, Women's suffrage, ethnic clashes, Versailles Treaty, Ukraine, East-Central Europe, ethnic minorities, nation state, jews, ethnicization, Hungary, Poland, Balkan conflict, right to self-determination, independence movement, balance of power, Ottoman Empire, Middle East conflict, Sykes-Picot Agreement, France, Great Britain, Arabs, Palestine
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