Zurück zur Mediathek
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2012
Kapitel 1 - 6:28 Min. The Federal Republic of Germany
Kapitel 2 - 5:25 Min. The German Democratic Republic

20. Jahrhundert: 1945 bis heute | Nachkriegszeit

Foundation: Double Statehood

In 1949, two German states were founded: the Federal Rebublic of Germany in the West and the German Democratic Republic in the East. Both claim to represent the whole of Germany, yet they go their separate ways: in the FRG, the CDU/CSU wins the elections to the first Bundestag, its leader Konrad Adenauer being the first Federal Chancellor. In the GDR, political bodies are dominated by SED politicians right from the start. Otto Grotewohl, chairman of the SED, becomes the first prime minister, Wilhelm Pieck the first President. However, neither of the two young states is sovereign. Government business continues to be supervised and monitored by the victorious powers. | In this film version, German interviews and historical or literary quotes remain untranslated. mehr weniger
Frankfurter Documents, Bonn, Parliamentary Council, constitution, Konrad Adenauer, democrats, democracy, women, sexual equality, equal rights for women elections, five percent hurdle, Federal President, Federal Chancellor, laws, administration of justice, separation of powers, Kurt Schumacher, Theodor Heuss, statehood, Socialist Unity Party of Germany, SED, People’s Congress, People’s Council, Soviet Military Administration, equal rights for women, People’s Chamber, Minister President, Council of Ministers, Supreme Court, fake democracy, parliament, Otto Grotewohl, Provisional Government, Soviet Control Commission, Wilhelm Pieck, Walter Ulbricht, elections, votes, opposition, unity list, resistance, SED dictatorship
Geeignet für die Fächer:
Empfehlung der Medienbegutachtung Baden-Württemberg für den Geschichtsunterricht
Der Film ist gut strukturiert und verständlich.

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