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Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2008
Kapitel 1 - 8:28 Min. Genocide and the North-South-Conflict
Kapitel 2 - 5:42 Min. Civil War and Reconstruction

Geschichte der USA | 17.-19. Jahrhundert

From Civil War to a Unified Nation

The Native Americans must yield to the USA’s territorial expansion. Expelled, they are forcibly relocated to reservations. Decimated by imported disease and costly wars against the US troops, the indigenous population is reduced from several million to about 500,000. In the south, about four million slaves toiling on the plantations create a huge economic boom. When Abraham Lincoln - a moderate opponent of slavery – becomes president in 1860, 11 southern states successively secede from the Union. In the American Civil War, the South fights for independence and the preservation of slavery as the Confederate States of America. After the decisive battle of Gettysburg, the Union ultimately wins and slavery is forbidden by law in 1865. mehr weniger
Native Americans, genocide, settlers, fight, diseases, Mass immigration, population growth, expulsion policy, land theft, Indian Removal Act, Cherokee, Trail of Tears, reservations, Northers States, North, industrialization, progress, migration, Southern States, South, economic boom, slavery, cotton plantations, Louisiana Purchase, abolitionists, abolition of slavery, women, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Abraham Lincoln, Northern States, Union, Emancipation Proclamation, Confederate States, independence, Gettysburg, assassination, blacks, second class citizens, discrimination
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