Zurück zur Mediathek
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2011
Kapitel 1 - 5:07 Min. The Invasion of Poland
Kapitel 2 - 5:51 Min. War on the Western Front

20. Jahrhundert: 1914-1945 | Zweiter Weltkrieg

Invasion of Poland and War on the Western Front

The staged attack on the radio station in Gliwice unleashes the Second World War in 1939. Poland is the first country to be occupied by the Wehrmacht and divided up between Hitler and Stalin in the wake of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact. A nightmare is about to begin, especially for the Polish Jews: they are forced to live in ghettos and are victims of first ethnic cleansings. From April 1940, Hitler’s war is then also directed against the West. German troops march into Denmark and Norway, and a month later also into Holland, Belgium and France. As in the East, the German military relies on blitzkrieg tactics: fast tank units supported by aircraft. Britain is the only country able to prevent a German invasion. mehr weniger
Adolf Hitler, propagandistic lies, war crimes, civilians, civilian population, jews, SS- task forces, SS task forces, police, executions, sub-humans, period of occupation, General Government, Hans Frank, yellow star of David, Warsaw ghetto, Waves of arrests, terror, French, France, British, Great Britain, England, Scandinavian, Denmark, Norway, occupation, Western Front, Holland, Belgium, Blitzkrieg, English Channel, imprisonment, cease-fire, planes, bombing, bomb attacks, air force, anti-aircraft defences, Hans Otten
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Empfehlung der Medienbegutachtung Baden-Württemberg für den Geschichtsunterricht

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