Zurück zur Mediathek
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2008
Kapitel 1 - 2:22 Min. Colonization
Kapitel 2 - 1:17 Min. The First English Settlement
Kapitel 3 - 1:45 Min. Life in the Wilderness
Kapitel 4 - 1:16 Min. Conflicts
Kapitel 5 - 1:08 Min. Explorers
Kapitel 6 - 2:18 Min. Go West

Geschichte der USA | 17.-19. Jahrhundert

Media Analysis - "Scenes from American History“ (1953) 

The documentary film Scenes from American History was produced in 1953 by the United States Information Service (USIS), which was responsible for promoting the USA’s public image, especially during the Cold War. The aim was to present a global audience with an explicitly positive image of American politics, history, society and culture – to counter the threat of communism.  mehr weniger
discovering america, Columbus, indians, native americans, slaves, constitution, american civil war, Indian, native, John Smith, Slavery, Expulsion, propaganda, Indians, war dance, Covered wagon, wagon castle, Rocky Mountains
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