Zurück zur Mediathek
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2011
Kapitel 1 - 4:51 Min. Press, Radio, Film
Kapitel 2 - 2:44 Min. Mass Demonstrations
Kapitel 3 - 2:44 Min. Images of the Enemy

20. Jahrhundert: 1914-1945 | Nationalsozialismus


"We want to indoctrinate the people until they succumb to us." Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels sets the goal in 1933: intellectual conformity of all Germans. The press, radio and film are now systematically brought into line with the Nazi doctrine. Contents are censored, and inflammatory slogans and racist enemy stereotypes are the order of the day. The Führer is always the focus of reporting – also at staged mass events such as the Nuremberg Party Congresses. He lets himself be celebrated there with powerful words and rehearsed poses. If the mass influence does not work, the Nazi regime uses violence instead. Many people conform – either convinced or out of fear of terror. mehr weniger
Joseph Goebbels, NSDAP, National Socialists, National Socialism, free press, press freedom, mass media, newspapers, Adolf Hitler, Führer, Volksempfänger, radio, Wochenschau, newsreel, Hans Otten, Nuremberg Party Congress, mass events, Olympic Games, Stürmer, Julius Streicher, master race, subhuman, racism, book burning, jews, Judaism, Bolshevism, synagogues
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