Zurück zur Mediathek
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2011
Kapitel 1 - 3:25 Min. Causes and Context: The French Revolution
Kapitel 2 - 3:00 Min. Warfare: Napoleon as Commander
Kapitel 3 - 2:07 Min. The Face of War: Soldiers, Civilians and Violence
Kapitel 4 - 3:29 Min. Turning Points: War in Spain and Russia
Kapitel 5 - 2:19 Min. War End and Perspective

Längsschnitt: Krieg

The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars 1792-1815

"Soldiers! There is not one among you who would wish to return to France by any other way than that of honour", Napoleon Bonaparte urges his soldiers to victory in the twin battles of Jena and Auerstedt in 1806. Revolutionary France has been at war with the major European powers since 1792, intending to spread the ideas of the French Revolution – liberty, equality, fraternity – to the absolutist countries and gain dominance over the entire continent. Aggressive wars of liberation and conquest. Such as in Spain, where partisans fight against the hated French occupying forces in a gruelling guerrilla war. | In this film version, German interviews and historical or literary quotes remain untranslated. mehr weniger
France, people, national assembly, human rights, civil rights, monarchies, Europe, monarchy, Austria, declaration of war, domestic policy, nation, mobilisation, citizens, Battle of Valmy, war of liberation and conquest, great power, warfare, victor, peace terms, Grand Army, career, soldiers, equality, battles, battles of Jena and Auerstedt, fear, death, combatants, field hospitals, wounded, amputation, city, cities, civilian population, quarterings, plundering, French, Napoleon, occupation, exploitation, ravages, partisans, guerrilla war, violence, Moscow, scorched earth tactic, return, Russian Winter, Prussia, war of liberation, patriotism, balance of power, peace
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