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Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2008
Kapitel 1 - 5:07 Min. Industrialization and Immigration
Kapitel 2 - 5:55 Min. Social Issues and the Rise of a Global Power

Geschichte der USA | 17.-19. Jahrhundert

The USA as an Industrial Superpower

With industrialization, the major industries in the north and north-east of the USA grow increasingly significant: oil, coal and steel. The urgently-needed workforce comes from Europe. A hard life awaits the immigrants: low wages, brutal working conditions, miserable housing. The exploitation of the workers benefits such entrepreneurs as railroad tycoon Cornelius Vanderbilt. Ever more often, the workers must fight for their rights, even with strikes. But nothing can stop the USA on its rise to becoming the world’s leading industrial power. New systems of work and production techniques are also causing industrial production to grow enormously. In the second half of the 19th century, the USA surpasses all other countries in the world. mehr weniger
agriculture, South, tobacco, cotton, North, Midwest, farming grains, cattle, work force, Europe, immigrants, Ireland, Irish, labor conditions, railway construction, railroad workers, demonstrations, strikes, unions, wage increases, Industrialization, proletariat, immigration, xenophobia, inventions, economic growth, rationalisation, machine cycle, expansion, foreign policy
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