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Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2011
Kapitel 1 - 2:36 Min. Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Wars
Kapitel 2 - 3:47 Min. Legitimation
Kapitel 3 - 4:05 Min. Total War
Kapitel 4 - 3:51 Min. Violence
Kapitel 5 - 4:52 Min. Propaganda and the Media
Kapitel 6 - 2:32 Min. New Wars and Old Wars – a Comparison

Längsschnitt: Krieg

War – Definition and Basic Concepts

What is war? Finding an answer to this is difficult, for war changes and depends on cultures and centuries. Nevertheless, certain attributes are ascribed to it: Legitimisation always presents war as just and necessary. Violence – executions, rapes, massacres – becomes part of everyday life. Propaganda uses enemy stereotypes to create a permanent sense of threat. In addition, wars are waged symmetrically or asymmetrically, meaning traditionally on or off the battlefield. Often both happens at the same time – as for example in the Thirty Years’ War, where marauding mercenary groups attack the civilian population independently of the symmetrically fighting armies. | In this film version, German interviews and historical or literary quotes remain untranslated. mehr weniger
armed conflict, nations, battlefield, decisive battle, Thirty Years’ War, mercenary armies, civilian population, civilians, Napoleonic wars, partisans, French Revolution, ideals, liberty, independence, National Assembly, people, nation, Napoleon, imperial power politics, World War I, war of aggression, pacifism, Peace Movement, just war, World War One, First World War, war of annihilation, industrialised warfare, mass mobilisation, Home Front, war bonds, material battles, armaments industry, armaments production, air raids, submarine warfare, ships blockade, starvation, international law, World War II, World War Two, Second World War, executions, mass rape, massacres, murder, crimes, prisoners of war, Nazi racial ideology, women, legitimation, motivation, heroism, enemy image, cold war, West, capitalism, democracy, East, equality, socialism, American Way of Life, Russia, Nato, Warsaw Pact, armament, balance of Power, asymmetrical wars, civil war, Balkan, Afghanistan, terrorism, terrorists, bombing attacks, suicide bombings, Somalia, famines, warlords, warmongers, war as a business, peace process, Peace of Westphalia
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