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Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2015
Kapitel 1 - 2:25 Min. Mercantilism
Kapitel 2 - 3:41 Min. Establishing Manufactories
Kapitel 3 - 2:47 Min. Building of Roads and Canals
Kapitel 4 - 2:17 Min. Development of a Royal Financial Administration
Kapitel 5 - 3:34 Min. The Colonies

Frühe Neuzeit | Absolutismus

Colbert and Mercantilism

France is heavily indebted in the 17th century. To fill the empty state coffers, Louis XIV appoints Jean-Baptiste Colbert as Minister of Finance, who sets store on trade and a mercantile economic policy. Domestically-produced goods are henceforth sold abroad at maximum profit. At the same time, protective tariffs prevent foreign goods from entering the land. Colbert also expands the infrastructure and founds numerous factories for the production of such luxury goods as textiles and mirror glass. Through the acquisition of colonies, he also seeks to tap into new and inexpensive sources of raw materials. mehr weniger
France, Louis XIV, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, Finance Minister, economy, trade, merchants, traders, abroad, protective tariffs, manufactories, luxury goods, export, transportation of goods, infrastructure, reads, canals, colonies, raw materials, economic plan, Lyon, silk-weaving, tapestries, Gobelins, production rules, working day, handmade, Venice, monopoly, mirror glass, mirror manufactory, solicitation, craftsmen, industrial espionage, Hall of Mirrors of Versailles, transport system, road construction, canal construction, Canal du Midi, sluice gates, aqueducts, customs system, tax revenues, financial reforms, national debt, peasants, taxes, levies, tax burden, financial administration, tax farmers, nobility, North America, maritime trade, overseas territories, mercantile economic policy, settlers, start a family, Louisiana, tax reforms
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