Zurück zur Mediathek
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2014
Dieser Film ist nicht in Kapitel unterteilt.

Langes 19. Jahrhundert | Industrielle Revolution

Cromford Mill – The World's First Factory

Richard Arkwright, a barber and wigmaker, revolutionises textile production: in 1769, he applies for a patent for his Waterframe, a spinning machine. For the first time, cotton spindles are no longer operated by hand, but mechanically driven by hydropower, which allows three times as much yarn to be spun in a superior quality. In 1771, together with partners, he founds Cromford Mill - the first factory in the world, where all machines are centrally driven by hydropower. Arkwright’s factory system becomes a model for the entire world, including Germany. In Ratingen, German entrepreneur Johann Gottfried Brügelmann proudly names his factory after the English model: Cromford. mehr weniger
Richard Arkwright, textile production, industrial pionier, Water frame, waterpower, manufacturing process, cotton threat, child labour, factory system, Industrial espionage, Ratingen, Johann Gottfried Brügelmann
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