Zurück zur Mediathek
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2014
Kapitel 1 - 3:35 Min. Europe Pre-1914
Kapitel 2 - 5:42 Min. The July Crisis and Outbreak of War
Kapitel 3 - 5:24 Min. War Theatres and Belligerents
Kapitel 4 - 4:36 Min. New Weapons Technology
Kapitel 5 - 4:10 Min. The Home Front
Kapitel 6 - 4:29 Min. Materiel Battles – Millions of Casualties and no Peace

20. Jahrhundert: 1914-1945 | Erster Weltkrieg

From European War to World War

June 28th 1914: Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, and his wife are killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo. The assassination makes headlines throughout Europe and triggers a fatal alliance dynamic. Not only will the major European powers soon be at war, but with the entry of allied nations and colonial troops, fighting escalates into a world war. Modern military technology - artillery, gas, air and submarine warfare - claims victims on an unprecedented scale. "This is not war, this is the end of the world", as a soldier of the British Indian troops writes home. mehr weniger
Berlin, Emperor, Wilhelm II, military, bourgeoisie, working-class tenements, economy, wages, German Reich, German Empire, industrial nation, May 1st, Labour Movement, fleet, colonies, naval power, England, Great Britain, race, world dominance, place in the sun, Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, prince, Franz Ferdinand, Sarajevo, assassination, Serbia, alliances, alliance agreement, France, socialists, Rosa Luxemburg, Peace Movement, pacifist movement, appeals for peace, workers, German Reichstag, party truce, war bonds, propaganda, enemy stereotypes, West, Western Front, French, trench war, East, Eastern Front, Russians, Tsardom, East Prussia, offensives, Schlieffen Plan, war of attrition, advance, troops, soldiers, Europe, Africa, Asia, colony, world war, British Empire, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Italy, Alps, Alpine Front, Balkans, multi-racial empires, Ottoman Empire, Armenia, genocide, industrial age, industrialised war, chemical warfare agents, gas, gas mask, machine guns, artillery fire, drum fire, flamethrowers, Storm of Steel, trauma, war trembler, widespread death, air war, air raids, fighter pilots, aircraft, civilian population, Manfred von Richthofen, war heroes, wonder weapon, submarine, navy, warships, Lusitania, defensive war, military economy, war society, loyalty, arms industry, ammunition, women, adolescents, labour force, manpower, London, airships, Zeppelin, mobilisation, volunteers, North Sea Blockade, raw materials, food, demoralisation, famine, war kitchens, Verdun, Somme, compromise peace, victory peace, peace through conquest, refuse to do military service, treason, International Labour Movement, International Labor Movement, peace movement, credits, Tsar
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