Zurück zur Mediathek
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2012
Kapitel 1 - 3:28 Min. Kant
Kapitel 2 - 6:15 Min. From League of Nations to UNO
Kapitel 3 - 2:45 Min. Instruments for Securing Peace: ICTY
Kapitel 4 - 2:09 Min. Peace Theories Today – Senghaas
Kapitel 5 - 3:31 Min. Küng: Project Global Ethic

Längsschnitt: Frieden

From Kant to Küng – Peace Theories and Peace Today

In 1919, the League of Nations is founded in Geneva in response to the First World War. It is the first supranational organisation designed to secure enduring world peace by settling international conflicts through arbitration. But it fails, partly because important nations such as the USA and the Soviet Union refuse to join it. While the Second World War is still raging, the decision is made to set up a successor organisation, the UNO (United Nations). It undertakes the League of Nations’ functions since 1945, but with greater powers to enforce conflict prevention, the protection of human rights and international cooperation. The Security Council bears the greatest responsibility for preserving peace and decides upon military action. | In this film version, German interviews and historical or literary quotes remain untranslated. mehr weniger
philosophy, philosopher, Immanuel Kant, Enlightenment, America, Declaration of Independence, constitution, separation of powers, France, revolution, human rights, civil rights, violence, Europe, confederation of states, international law, republics, democracy, democracies, peaceful alliances, global civil rights, Woodrow, Wilson, 14 Points Peace Plan, Fourteen Points, world peace, league of nations, Soviet Union, Charta, United Nations, UN, international security, social justice, Security Council, General Assembly, ban on violence, Bosnia, Balkan War, civil war, ethnic cleansing, abuse of human rights, NATO, UN Security Council, International War Crimes Tribunal, The Hague, genocide, crimes against humanity, international criminal justice, peace treaty, UN mandate, international troops, Dieter Senghaas, understanding, Civilisational Hexagon, monopoly of force, rule of law, interdependence, emotional control, self-control, integrating every individual, democratic interaction, constructive conflict-culture, Hans Küng, peace of the religions, conflict potential, peace potential, basic principles, common aspects, dialogue, global ethical standards
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