Zurück zur Mediathek
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2015
Kapitel 1 - 4:05 Min. Germany – Economic Powerhouse
Kapitel 2 - 4:22 Min. Civic Pride and Mass Poverty: Social Disparities
Kapitel 3 - 5:57 Min. The Labour Movement and Social Policy

Langes 19. Jahrhundert | Industrialisierung

Industrialisation and Social Issues

The economy under steam - "Made in Germany" enjoys an immense upswing in the empire. The railway connects the country with Europe. Coal fuels the rise, the steel and electrical industries boom. The population grows rapidly. The empire becomes a leading economic power. Entrepreneurs achieve enormous wealth, and decorative Wilhelminian style districts are springing up in the cities. Yet, the men, women and children of the working class are living in misery. Trade unions organize strikes for better working conditions in the factories. The pressure provides for initial success. Working hours are reduced, social security is introduced and wages rise. mehr weniger
Railway, England, Berlin, Prussia, railway network, transport revolution, Industrial Exposition, economy, modernisation, steel industry, economic power, automobiles, electricity, electro industry, Made in Germany, Gründerzeit, aristocracy, middle class, Wilhelmine society, progress, medicine, hygiene, nutrition, population growth, big cities, housing shortage, workers’ accommodations, working class districts, tenements, Ottilie Baader, Suppenküchen, Ruhr Valley, black coal, miners, strike, wages, working hours, working conditions, unions, employers, strike-breakers, military, social insurance, health insurance, accident insurance, disability insurance, old-age insurance, social laws, work on Sundays, child labour, Alfred Krupp, well-qualified workers
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