Zurück zur Mediathek
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2012
Kapitel 1 - 2:17 Min. Revenge and Retaliation
Kapitel 2 - 5:15 Min. Family Destinies
Kapitel 3 - 3:55 Min. The Winter Crisis of 1946/47

20. Jahrhundert: 1945 bis heute | Nachkriegszeit

Society and Everyday Life

Fear and uncertainty shape the lives of the German people after the end of the Second World War. They fight starvation, despair and serious hardship. A large number of men are held as prisoners of war, and the rape of women by soldiers is a daily fare. Through the Red Cross Tracing Service, many search for missing relatives – often in vain. Many of the fallen are not reported dead until years later. They are sorely missed. Others, however, are not welcome. More than 12 million German refugees and displaced persons crowd into the four occupation zones from the East. They are insulted and ostracised. | In this film version, German interviews and historical or literary quotes remain untranslated. mehr weniger
Devastation, ruins, captivity, prisoners of war, forced labourers, rape, search centres, Red Cross, children, trauma, families, family, international relief organisations, returning war veterans, refugees, displaced persons, expulsion, emergency shelters, cold winter, starvation, turnips, international relief operations, Care packages, school lunches
Geeignet für die Fächer:
Empfehlung der Medienbegutachtung Baden-Württemberg für den Geschichtsunterricht
Das duale Konzept macht es möglich, sich rasch und gezielt über einzelne Themen in Bild und Schrift zu informieren.

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