Langes 19. Jahrhundert | Industrielle Revolution
Steam Power – The Symbol of a New Era
Water, wind and muscle power are no longer sufficient to drive industrial development forward. The mining industry especially needs new forms of energy production in the 18th century. English miners are digging to ever greater depths and have to pump out the mine water. For a long time, engineers have been experimenting with steam power and, at the end of the 1770s, James Watt and Matthew Boulton achieve a breakthrough: the first steam engines to work in the mines of Cornwall and Wales. In 1782, Watt develops the rotary steam engine. Further technical improvements are to follow. Steam power becomes a reliable source of energy and symbol of a new age. For the first time in their history, people are independent of natural energy sources.
Thomas Savery, Thomas Newcomen, Fire Engine, James Watt, Matthew Boulton, engineering shop, rotary steam engine, Watt parallel motion, speed of rotation, generating energy
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