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Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2011
Kapitel 1 - 3:24 Min. Causes and Context: Imperialism and Nationalism
Kapitel 2 - 3:07 Min. Outbreak of War: Legitimisation and Blame
Kapitel 3 - 2:34 Min. Propaganda and the Media
Kapitel 4 - 3:58 Min. Warfare: Total War
Kapitel 5 - 2:57 Min. The Face of War: Material Battles
Kapitel 6 - 2:00 Min. War End and Perspective

Längsschnitt: Krieg

The First World War 1914-1918

World War One is the first industrialised war in history. Gigantic amounts of weapons and material needed for warfare are produced on a large industrial scale and all reserves are mobilised – both at the front and at home. For the gruelling trench warfare and murderous material battles as in Verdun or on the Somme devour vast quantities of human and war material. In addition, there are always new, cruel weapons: tanks, poison gas, zeppelin attacks. Spurred on by aggressive propaganda, the war is waged for over four years – with a bitter tally: 16 million people die, and, in political terms, old Europe is at the end. | In this film version, German interviews and historical or literary quotes remain untranslated. mehr weniger
Europe, great powers, world powers, France, Colonial Empire, colonies, colony, Great Britain, German Empire, upgrade, weapons, fleet, competition, nations, mobilisation, propaganda, Russia, Serbia, Emperor, Austria-Hungary, war on two fronts, New media, photography, film, weekly news, newsreel, cinema, Image warfare, image war, hate propaganda, civilian population, civilians, British, London, air raids, volunteers, arms industries, Western Front, material battles, Verdun, Somme, home front, war bonds, sea blockade, hunger blockade, psychological warfare, industrialised war, industrialised warfare, tanks, gas, soldiers, military hospital, barrage fire, traumatisation, USA, war entry, entry into the war, resources, food, exhaustion, primeval disaster, primal catastrophe
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