Zurück zur Mediathek
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2011
Kapitel 1 - 3:19 Min. Forced Labour
Kapitel 2 - 3:38 Min. Bombing of the Homeland
Kapitel 3 - 4:16 Min. The End of the War

20. Jahrhundert: 1914-1945 | Zweiter Weltkrieg

Total War and Surrender

In February 1943, Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels calls for "Total War". But the mobilisation of all forces both at the front and at home cannot prevent the tide of war from turning in favour of the Allies. In 1943, the Wehrmacht falls completely on the defensive on the Eastern Front and Allied bombers carry out large-scale attacks against German cities. After the Normandy landings in the summer of 1944, Allied troops also push inexorably towards Germany from the west. The Volkssturm is ordered to defend the homeland by all means. Children, old men and the Hitler Jugend are senselessly squandered in the last weeks of war. Many are relieved when Germany finally surrenders on May 8, 1945. mehr weniger
propaganda, Eastern Europe, labour saves, children, child slaves, armament factories, armament factory, munitions factory, munitions factories, camp detainees, prisoners of war, Marat Kuznjezov, homefront, nights of bombing, air raids, air raid alarms, shelters, bunkers, Volksgemeinschaft, allied, evacuation, Gertrud Koch, last stand, Volkssturm, civilians, terror, provisional military courts, death sentences, hanging, Gestapo, prison, prisoners, forced labourers, concentration camps, liberation
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