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Icon Geschichte im Film
Zielgruppe: Sek. I / Sek. II
Sprache: Englisch
Produktion: Anne Roerkohl dokumentARfilm GmbH 2017
Kapitel 1 - 5:04 Min. Society after the War
Kapitel 2 - 5:20 Min. Woodrow Wilson – the New Hope
Kapitel 3 - 5:42 Min. The Peace Conference: Positions and Goals
Kapitel 4 - 6:26 Min. Revolutions and Civil War in Russia
Kapitel 5 - 6:30 Min. Results: The Peace Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations

20. Jahrhundert: 1914-1945 | Versailler Vertrag

Europe after the First World War

The First World War comes to an end in November 1918. But the armistice does not bring real peace. The hatred sown by war propaganda runs deep and shapes the peace conference that begins in Paris in January 1919. In the East, the violence continues. A brutal civil war rages in post-revolutionary Russia. US President Woodrow Wilson stands for the hope of a fair peace treaty and the peoples’ right to self-determination with his Fourteen Points Programme. He also paves the way for the founding of the "League of Nations" which is supposed to establish a permanent peace order. mehr weniger
World War One, France, disaster, catastrophe, destruction, ruins, soldiers, dead, refugees, new beginning, families, children, men, fathers, war-wounded, disabled, trauma, mutilations, maimed, dignity, prostheses, portrait masks, 14 Point Program, Fourteen Points, peace of the world, liberation, rights of nations, democracy, Europe, Paris, peace conference, peace order, league of nations, nation states, nationalism, national interests, Czechoslovakia, Prague, Austria-Hungary, minority, minorities, national unity, right to self-determination, new order, reorganisation, forgive and forget, war propaganda, total war, Versailles, Woodrow Wilson, peace talks, press, politicians, negotiating marathon, victorious nations, defeated states, colonies, Georges Clemenceau, Lloyd George, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Bolsheviks, Bolshevism, spirit of optimism, Communism, Germany, extremists, right-wing Freikorps, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, revolutionary spark, Red Army, the Reds, the White, terror brigades, peasants, jews, French, war guilt, compromises, dictated peace, enforced peace, reparations, territorial loss, USA, sovereignty, Geneva, supranational peace organisation, international Peace Movement
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