Längsschnitt: Frieden
The Potsdam Agreement 1945
After the end of the Second World War, the unprecedented crimes of the Third Reich make a peace agreement in partnership with the perpetrators impossible. The former Nazi elite is therefore excluded from the negotiations on the future of Germany. So, at the Potsdam Conference, decisions are made by the victorious powers alone. They divide up Germany into four occupation zones that are to be dealt with according to a set of common political guidelines, as laid down in the Potsdam Agreement. But due to growing mistrust between the Soviet leader Stalin and the Western Allies, intentions to treat the country as a whole soon fail. There is agreement, however, that the war crimes committed will not go unpunished. For the first time in history, leading representatives of a state are tried before an international military tribunal. | In this film version, German interviews and historical or literary quotes remain untranslated.
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